martedì 6 settembre 2011

Resistance 3 - Reviews Round-Up

Domani è il grande giorno dell'uscita di Resistance 3, nuovo capitolo di una delle serie ammiraglia per la Sony di questa generazione. In questo nuovo capitolo sviluppato nuovamente da Insomniac (a quanto pare per l'ultima volta) guideremo Joseph Capelli un personaggio che abbiamo già avuto modo di incontrare nei precedenti episodi della serie, mentre tenta di sfuggire alla sempre più opprimente invasione da parte dei Chimera del pianeta Terra. Come sempre è arrivato il momento di dare una prima occhiata alle recensioni della rete che, a parte qualche voce fuori dal coro, promuovono senza alcun dubbio il titolo:

3D Juegos . 9.3

Resistance 3 is far superior to its two predecessors and it's one of the most powerful and beautifully crafted shooters on the market for PlayStation 3.

IGN - 9

Offers the same polished experience as the last two games in the series, only this time the action is more focused and tightly structured. Insomniac clearly wanted to make this game a more harrowing and personal experience, and by focusing its attention on a smaller, more personal story within the invasion, it has succeeded without question.

PlayStation LifeStyle - 9

The single-player (and co-op) make for a game that can proudly stand next to Uncharted 2 as some of the best the PlayStation 3 has to offer.

Meristation - 9

With great visuals and intense heart-pounding gameplay, completed with a replayable Campaign mode and a solid Multiplayer offering that fans of the saga (and gamers who look for a great FPS experience) will love, Resistance 3 turns into the best game in the series so far, making it an epic conclusion to Insomniac's and PlayStation 3's exclusive trilogy.

Joystiq - 9

Resistance 3 isn't just a great game full of marked, inspired improvements over its predecessor -- it's a declaration of intent to become the new heir apparent to the sci-fi shooter throne.

GameTrailers - 8.8

The increased emphasis on weapons is clearly the right move for Resistance 3. Trying out different guns and upgrading each is a blast, and there are some fun surprises as the game goes on. Despite some neat boosters and abilities, the multiplayer doesn't do too much to stand out, but the variety and pacing of the campaign makes it the best in the series so far.

NZ Gamer - 8.7

The above-average graphics do an adamant job of carrying you through what really matters in Resistance 3 - the gripping and harrowing story. Think of it as an interactive blend of Cormac McCarthy's The Road meets District 9. It's a must play for fans of the previous games, but a solid sci-fi shooter for those new to the Resistance franchise as well.

CVG - 8.7

There's a greater feeling of depth, life and narrative to the tale and the gunplay is satisfying even if we do have to reserve some criticism for the AI, which still shows itself to be rough around the edges at times.

GameReactor - 8

Quotation forthcoming.

Eurogamer - 8

First-person shooter design has reached an evolutionary ceiling and desperately needs some mutant DNA to push it onwards and upwards. Resistance 3 could have provided that genetic jolt; but Insomniac has chosen to look back to how we used to play rather than grapple with how we could play in the future. As understandable as it is, that cautious approach results in a game that is extremely enjoyable, but never as imaginative as you want it to be.

IncGamers - 7

If it wasn't for that second act, Resistance 3 would be looking at a higher score. However, given its duration and the disappointment it heaps upon you, it's that middle third that prevent it from living up to the potential it clearly possesses. It's certainly worth playing but, equally, it's certainly not a classic.

Eurogamer Sweden - 7

Despite trying to act as a gritty tale of survival, Resistance 3 is in essence just a regular shooter, with far more action filled firefights than lurking tales of humanity. Thankfully it's a well made game and has an impressive arsenal of excellent weapons, and the multiplayer - including a much-missed co-op mode - is a lot of fun.

Come potete vedere la serie Resistance si riafferma come uno dei grandi capisaldi Sony di questa generazione, tanto da poter stare tranquillamente vicino a nomi come Uncharted e Little Big Planet. Il consenso non è unanime, c'è chi ne decanta le lodi e chi invece va a scovare il più piccolo difetto. Ma una cosa è certa, Resistance 3 è divertimento allo stato puro soprattutto se avete la console connessa alla rete e qualche amico da giocarci in co-op. Stiamo preparando una Scheda del Gioco per la nuova esclusiva Sony, contiamo di terminarla e metterla on line a breve quindi resta con HGE!

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