lunedì 5 settembre 2011

Dead Island - Reviews Round Up - Buone le prime recensioni per il titolo Techland

Nonostante non ci fidassimo troppo del titolo Techland, siamo rimasti alquanto stupiti di fronte alle recensioni che nonostante evidenzino dei chiari difetti lo promuovono con voti che vanno dall'ottimo al discreto. Vediamole insieme:

TeamXbox - 9

Did I enjoy this game? Absolutely. Did it scare the crap out of me at times? 100%. Was there a real feeling of survival horror (as opposed to just jumping-scares) that has been sadly lacking from other contemporary zombie games? You bet.

Game Informer - 8.5

New games featuring the walking dead have trouble standing out from the horde, but Techland's first-person, open-world, action/RPG entry Dead Island distinguishes itself. After kicking and slashing my way through the infected island of Banoi, I can say the game has tons to offer.

GameTrailers - 8.5

Soloists might enjoy a long weekend on Dead Island, but this isn't a game for the "separate vacations" crowd. The combination of twitch action with an MMO's girth minus the grind cements the game as co-op classic. There's some brain-dead repetition as you down brain eaters, but the rising challenge and resource management means you'll always be mindful of your tasks.

3D Juegos - 8.4

Quotation forthcoming.

IGN - 8

Presentation doesn't make a game, experiences do. And they are packed into Dead Island.

Level - 8

Dead Island is fresh and banal together; raw in combat and visuals. It could be done better but a mix of Fallout 3 and Left 4 Dead is amazing fun we've missed for so long.

GameReactor - 7

There's a lot to do on this zombie-infested island from hell. With some more varied missions and better melee combat, the final score would have been shimmering.

Official Xbox Magazine - 8

There's loads wrong with Dead Island. It's as riddled with holes as the festering flesh of its primary antagonists. Every element of the game you can conceive of is infected with issues that would ordinarily be terminal. By all rights it should fall flat like a faceplanting undead shuffler. But just like those persistent, putrefied corpses, Dead Island keeps trundling on, somehow remaining shambolically entertaining throughout.

Eurogamer Sweden - 7

As a single player game, Dead Island delivers a meaty experience that lasts absolutely ages, and the first person zombie adventure is an excellent pastime. However, the overall enjoyment is slightly marred by the fact that the online coop is infested with bugs.

Destructoid - 7

It's inspired, but turgid. Brilliant, but flawed. Fun, but infuriating. Like the living dead itself, Dead Island is a contradiction from beginning to end. However, I feel you need to play it, because despite copying so much from infinitely smoother games, there's nothing quite like it on the market. That, itself, is yet another contradiction in the confused, conflicted, often completely beautiful mess that is Dead Island.

Joystiq - 6

Probably the most realistic recreation of the inevitable and oncoming zombie apocalypse in video game history. It's typified by desperation, sacrifice, frustration, terror and the overbearing sense of hopelessness. But there's a catch. Though the zombie apocalypse may occasionally be grimly satisfying or fleetingly triumphant when you survive another night, there's one thing it almost certainly won't be...Fun.

Eurogamer - 6

Much like gnawing on human flesh, Dead Island's clumsy horror-action role-player is the definition of an acquired taste.

Come potete vedere da voi, le votazioni non hanno un vero e proprio equilibrio. Seppur in generale l'opinione sia positiva infatti, c'è chi lo promuove a pieni voti e chi invece lo fa con qualche remora. Ciò che più ci ha stupito comunque, è che nessuno si era realmente reso conto di che cosa fosse questo gioco. Finalmente con le prime recensioni riusciamo a chiarire la questione, il gioco è una specie di gdr in prima persona con ambientazioni liberamente esplorabili e una personalizzazione completa dei personaggi. Un incrocio tra Fallout di Bethesda e Left 4 Dead di Valve insomma. Anche la durata si eleva ben al di sopra degli standard dei classici fps abbracciando appunto i gdr, il recensore di IGN ha parlato di 25 ore per il completamento saltando però del tutto le numerosissime side quest sparse per l'isola. Inoltre la componente on line sembra ben realizzata e in grado di impegnare per un periodo di tempo piuttosto lungo. Insomma se avete appena terminato Deus Ex Human Revolution, se sentite la mancanza di Fallout o se amate gli zombie alla follia, il titolo di Techland farà sicuramente al caso vostro!

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