lunedì 22 agosto 2011

Xenoblade Chronicles Reviews Round-Up, entusiastiche le prime recensioni per l'enorme gdr Nintendo

Con l'uscita di Xenoblade Chronicles in tutti i principali mercati europei (tranne ovviamente i poveri sfortunati italiani che dovranno attendere, causa ferie impellenti, il prossimo 2 settembre per trovarlo sugli scaffali) ecco arrivare la prima ondata di recensioni. Che, senza mezzi termini, premia il capolavoro Nintendo con votazioni altissime che vanno dal 10 pieno all'8.6 come voto più basso. Vediamo insieme le recensioni e le quotazioni in inglese per ogni recensione:

Gameblog.fr - 10

"Xenoblade Chronicles is like a collage of all the best elements taken from the JRPGs that came out in the 2000's. It has everything to become a cult RPG, including a release platform that doesn't really suit the genre. So, even though its not HD, its numerous qualities make it a must-have for all JRPG fans who didn't yet commit suicide because of all the disappointments of this generation."

N-Europe - 10 

"Monolith provides the biggest and most ambitious game on Wii by a long-shot. Xenoblade Chronicles reignites the JRPG and adventure genres in one classy swoop; that this grandiose spectacle is under the banner of Nintendo is the cherry on top."

Cubed3 - 10 

"Now Monolith Soft's grand Xenoblade Chronicles has arrived, bringing with it an sterling soundtrack, a phenomenal visual impact, vast amount of customisation, intriguing story and massive value for money."

Official Nintendo Magazine - 9.2

"A genre-reviving blaze of wonder, immense scale and smart design."

Meristation - 9

"As outstading as it can be, Takahashi's latest work is yet his greatest. Xenoblade Chronicles is the best JRPG that we've seen this year, and we could also say in this so-called next-gen."

Nintendo Life - 9

"Although the developers have done a terrific job of incorporating daunting detail with intuitive controls, this title is still best suited to gamers with the strength, diligence and passion to see it through. For them, this is an experience that must not be missed."

GameSpot - 9

"Xenoblade Chronicles is a sublime, wonderfully paced game that both refines and modernises the Japanese role-playing game."

Edge Magazine - 9

"It's a game that invites us to reassess an entire genre, pointing to a bold future while nodding its respect towards the past. It's a towering triumph."

Gamereactor - 9

"Great character development and a lovely sense of freedom make this one of the Wii's best RPG offerings."

IGN - 9

"The best Japanese RPG of this generation. The fact that it looks like it's from the last generation is its only drawback, but its technical limitations are offset by imaginative artistic direction, innovative and compelling combat, and thoughtful design."

Metro GameCentral - 9

"The best Japanese role-player of the current generation and a big step forwards for the genre in terms of accessibility and ambition."

GamesTM - 9

"Beautiful, feature-packed and brimming with creative remedies for the ails of a stagnating genre, that NOA should overlook such a shining example of what a JRPG can be paints a very different company to the Nintendo that went out at E3 with a call to arms for the hardcore."

Gamers.at - 8.6

"Xenoblade Chronicles may be one of the most anticipated J-RPGs of the year, but isn't for everyone. Those who liked the freedom of Final Fantasy XII and can live with a less compelling story than that of Xenogears will have a lot of fun, though."

Insomma tutti i recensori sembrano concordare sullo stesso punto, Xenoblade Chronicles per Nintendo Wii è il miglior gioco di ruolo giapponese della generazione in assoluto.

2 commenti:

  1. °A° Holy shit che voti!!! Lo devo avereeeeeee :Q___

  2. Un fan dei giochi di ruolo giapponesi non può non avere questo gioco ;)
