martedì 4 ottobre 2011

RAGE - Reviews Round Up - Eccellenti, con qualche scivolone, le prime recensioni per l'attesissimo fps id Software

Abbiamo appena parlato di Dark Souls il gdr From Software in uscita questa settimana, ma non sarà da solo. Lo stesso identico giorno, venerdì 7 per l'esattezza, sarà accompagnato da un'altra grande uscita di assoluto spessore. Stiamo parlando di RAGE il nuovo attesissimo fps di id Software, team di sviluppo che si può dire padre del genere stesso essendo stati i creatori di nomi storici come Doom, Quake e Wolfenstein. Anche qui la critica specializzata mondiale sta assegnando le prime votazioni che delineano un titolo eccellente sotto quasi tutti i punti di vista ma, al contrario di Dark Souls, il voto non è unanime con verdetti che vanno dal massimo di 9.5 ad un minimo di addirittura 5.8. Vediamo insieme i voti e le quotazioni in inglese:

GamingTrend - 9.5

Graphically there is nothing on the console that compares, and in terms of the complete package, it delivers in every way.

TeamXbox - 9.5

While the game doesn't necessarily introduce any kind of ground-breaking gameplay elements, what it does is perform some tried-and-true FPS staples (and some newer concepts too) at a very high level, and hits the mark an overwhelming majority of the time.

3D Juegos - 9.1

A must have for both fans of FPS and sandbox games because it succeeds in both genres. An addictive and furiously violent videogame that will be breathtaking for every action fan.

Meristation - 9

Quotation forthcoming.

Machinima - 9

Do you feel games similar to Fallout 3 are a little too open-ended? Or maybe Call of Duty is too linear? Well, Rage is some kind of happy medium between the two and it's unlike anything id has done before.

Gametrailers - 9

We never imagined that the RPG elements would be so vast or deftly handled, resulting in a pleasant surprise. A near-perfect mix of first-person shooting and role-playing, it's a nice fit for those who felt too detached from the gun play in Fallout 3 or Mass Effect.

Ausgamer - 9

At its core though, RAGE is a triumph for id Software. The game's strengths far outweigh its shortcomings and for shooter fans looking for a challenging, visceral experience that isn't akin to shooting fish in a barrel, you're going to find it here.

IncGamers - 9

The core gameplay is well designed and executed and there's plenty to do if you fancy a change of pace. With the FPS genre currently defined and dominated by standardised modern-military shooters, Rage comes as a very welcome breath of fresh air.

CVG - 8.9

The house of Doom delivers a masterful single-player shooter with top notch gunplay, let down by a disappointing final third.

IGN - 8.8

The great controls and useful weapon upgrades help make Rage's shooting parts a lot of fun, but the storyline fails to create any real tension and the game's characters, friendly and hostile, never do or say anything memorable.

GamePro - 8

Most surprising are the vehicle-based sections of the game. In a word, they're fantastic.

Eurogamer - 8

Judged on game design and content, then, it's slightly anachronistic, but as a toy box full of things you can only do in games, Rage is warm-hearted and refreshing. It's not going to change the world, but it does serve as a timely reminder of that other thing id Software games always did besides smashing through some new technological barrier.

GameSpot - 8

Rage creates an engrossing world full of dazzling detail and entertaining shooter action

1UP - 7.5

It's nothing revolutionary. It comes from a different kind of Id, one that would rather play with existing conventions than reinvent them. Conversely, it's the same Id that puts look and feel on the same high pillar, and it's impossible to call Rage badly-composed. I just don't think it's going to be remembered as anything but a sleeper hit of the fall of 2011.

Destructoid - 7

By no means is RAGE not worth your time -- it looks stunning, the combat on both wheels and foot is fun, and there's a tremendous sense of atmosphere that deserves to be experienced. However, RAGE's quality only makes its lack of ambition more painful in the long run, as it could easily have been better than it is. It's a good game, most definitely, and one that id fans will enjoy ... just don't expect it to do half of what it looks like it can do.

Strategy Informer - 6.5

Rage is flawed from the get-go, and by the time it finds its legs, its all too little, too late.

Joystiq - 6

There's just not a lot of "there" there - my first playthrough, which included every side-mission and several job board assignments, took me 9 hours and 15 minutes. My second, where I completed every side-mission, every job board assignment, every courier mission, and most of the races, took eight hours and 50 minutes. RAGE ends so abruptly that I didn't realize it was over until the final cutscene began. I was left wondering what had happened.

Gaming Age - 5.8

Rage starts to wear out its welcome about 3 to 4 hours in. That's the point where it started to feel like the promise of an open world shooter was more of an illusion than reality.

Come potete vedere con RAGE ci troviamo di fronte al classico gioco difficile da giudicare. A qualcuno è piaciuto molto, ad altri invece è parso una promessa non mantenuta. Noi crediamo che la verità stia nel mezzo, pensiamo RAGE sia un ottimo fps da prendere sicuramente in considerazione se siete amanti del genere. Un appunto sulla qualità grafica che mette invece tutti d'accordo, RAGE infatti non ha eguali su console in questo momento. Vedere per credere, vi lascerà a bocca aperta!

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