martedì 4 ottobre 2011

Dark Souls - Reviews Round Up - Stellari i primi voti per il dungeon crawler From Software

Venerdì uscirà in tutta Europa il seguito spirituale di uno dei giochi più difficili che la storia dei videogiochi ricordi, quel Demon's Souls uscito in esclusiva su PS3 che tanti consensi ha mietuto sia sotto il lato della critica sia sotto quella delle vendite. Con questo seguito in uscita anche su Xbox 360, pare che From Software abbia fatto nuovamente centro. Vediamo i voti della critica specializzata internazionale e le quotazioni in lingua inglese:

Telegraph - 10

No video game released this Christmas runs contrary to prevailing fashion as hard or fast as Dark Souls. And no video game is quite so exciting or exhilarating.

GameSpot - 9.5

Dark Souls is an extraordinary role-playing game that transports you to an awesome and menacing world you may never forget.

Playstation Universe - 9.5

An incredibly addictive game and those who embrace it will most certainly end up living it.

3D Juegos - 9.2

From Software achieves one of the most addictive games this year. Dark Souls' difficulty level can sound just as heavy as it is, but at the same time it's enough to keep you engaged to its addictive gaming experience.

MondoXbox - 9.2

Dark Souls is a game without compromises: you'll either love or hate it. The very high difficulty level could discourage the less undaunted players, but if you'll take your time to master its mechanics and "enter" into the game, you'll be rewarded with one of the most satisfying and memorable experiences in your life as a gamer.

SpazioGames - 9.1

It's still a brutal experience, surely the most difficult game of this generation. The idea of setting it in a wider world even raises the bar, but the freshness of the first one is sadly gone.

Game Revolution - 9.1

If you want a challenging, briefly terrifying, often maddening game with plenty to explore, experiment with, and beat your head against, this is your game.

Meristation - 9

Dark Souls is an Action RPG following the unique gameplay legacy of Demon's Soul. The original online system comes back with a deeper world and more effective mechanics... in one of the most difficult games in this generation. You will love dying. Once again.

Gamesradar - 9

The cure for the common Triple A title, Dark Souls takes every gloriously strange and punishing moment from Demon's Souls and expands and improves upon it. While its fundamentals hew closely to the original's, Dark Souls is a completely unique experience with no direct competition on the market. For those who get it, it's undoubtedly one of the year's best.

Gameblog.fr - 9

A gem of sublime darkness. In the same way that an infamous ring did poison the soul of the one wearing it, this game becomes both the burden and the treasure of the one playing it. Cruel, even more so than its predecessor from which it keeps almost everything, Dark Souls offers a singular atmosphere, one where the player is prey, gambles its life with each step he dares to take, and its sanity every time he makes progress towards more evil that can kill him in a single strike. If you feel crazy enough to dive in, though, Dark Souls will possess you like very few can: it's a drug, and it's in the poison it exudes that lies its virtue.

Eurogamer -9

If entertainment is fun without failure and progress without pain, you'll have to find it somewhere else. But you'll be missing out on one of the best games of the year.

Joystiq - 9

The cycle of Dark Souls is essentially the same: Hours of diligent, often frustrating work followed by a surprising, often spectacular payoff.

games(TM) - 9

A fine example of how great forethought and a less than tepid attitude towards taking risks pay dividends in the hands of real gamers. It is nothing short of extraordinary, though perhaps a couple of years on from Demon's Souls, it is also less surprising.

Edge - 9

Dark Souls beckons the masochistic with its chilly indifference. If you steel your nerves and persevere, the loot you'll uncover is an adventure so exquisitely morose and far-ranging that it will tug at your mind insistently during the hours you spend apart.

Multiplayer.it - 9

Dark Souls is a epic adventure-RPG for hardcore gamers. This game is hard, sometimes a little bit frustrating. But, when you do make it and kill a boss it gives you such satisfaction that no other game can give you. With some fantastic online options, atmospheric worlds, haunting game concepts and mechanics and an unconventional control scheme, Dark Souls is a little jewel.

IGN - 9

If you just play games for fun, this isn't for you, and no amount of insistence on my part is going to change that. But if you're interested in the limits of the videogame form – to see just how focused, how pure and how uncompromising in its vision a game can be – Dark Souls is unmissable.

Metro Game Central - 9

An incredibly assured attempt to rewrite the rules of modern gaming, where even the smallest mistake can cost you dear but the tiniest victory seems like an epic achievement.

Game Informer - 8.8

Despite my complaints, I can't help but feel a rush of adrenaline just thinking about Dark Souls. I spent around 60 hours playing it over the last month and died nearly 100 times while doing so. I screamed, I cursed, and I threw down my controller in defeat more times than I'm proud of. I can't wait to get back in and do it all over again. Dark Souls probably won't be the biggest or best game released this year, but I'm already sure it's the one I'm going to spend the most time playing.

Everyeye.it - 8.7

Dark Souls is brilliant as its predecessor, but this time, thrown in an vast open world without hints, the player will be a little more frustrated than before. Sometimes the difficulty can be frustrating, instead of stimulating, challenging and rewarding. Dark Souls remains one of the greatest examples of dark fantasy in this generation.

Come potete vedere il voto a Dark Souls è praticamente unanime, il gioco è di altissimo livello. Se siete dei giocatori esperti, amate i gdr all'occidentale e i dungeon crawler allora non dovete farvi assolutamente scappare questo titolone. Occhio però, il gioco è talmente difficile da arrivare al limite della frustrazione. Se già il precedente Demon's Souls non era un gioco per chi non aveva nervi saldi, in questo seguito le cose sono state ulteriormente complicate. Se siete giocatori da gameplay veloci e facili, lasciatelo pure sullo scaffale. 

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