lunedì 27 dicembre 2010

Nintendo presenta The Last Story in Giappone con tante nuove immagini e un nuovo video

Si è tenuta questa mattina in Giappone la conferenza Nintendo riguardante The Last Story, la nuova grande serie gdr nata dalla mente del papà di Final Fantasy Hironobu Sakaguchi in collaborazione con Nintendo. I punti salienti della conferenza sono stati:

- Sakaguchi is enjoying himself in spite of the fact that working on the game is taking a lot of energy
- Sakaguchi once again stated that the team is working extra hard on the game and acting as though it’s their last project
- Direct-feed footage of the game being shown from the beginning
- Starts off in Lizard’s Cave
- Tutorials shown in video form, but feel free to skip them
- Use the A button to take cover
- Hold B and walk to leap over objects
- Use B to guard as well (regardless of setting [manual or automatic])
- Press Z to show the targeting cursor
- Characters are in a bar following the Lizard’s Cave section
- At the bar, Quark explains that Count Arganon now employs them
- Press A and move the analog nub to dive and avoid enemy attacks
- Press Z to go into targeting mode
- Forest area shown
- Visit the forest after traveling via boat
- Enemies are included to attack weaker mages first
- Can make enemies slip if Wind is used on Jackal’s ice magic circle
- Enemies can heal their allies in their own circle
- Option to turn the camera control on/off for event scenes
- Another option can be used to make the A button forward through the events
- Kanan’s Holy magic forms a barrier
- Sakaguchi showed another scene at the bar
- A lady there informs Elza that many people have been at the bar, thinks it’s because of Kanan’s wedding ceremony which will be taking place in a month
- Can shoot bananas at residents in Ruli City
- Can customize the characters to make them practically naked
- Other characters talk as you move throughout a dungeon
- Uematsu’s favorite song in the game is the main theme
- Fujisaka likes the logo and main illustration the most in terms of art
- There is a secret element to the game’s packaging
- You will be able to use characters other than Elza for free-for-all online
- Mario Club was involved with the game for nine months
- Nine months is the longest ever for the Mario Club

Purtroppo non sono state rivelate date occidentali come invece si aspettava. Chi ha potuto vedere il gioco personalmente alla conferenza afferma di essere di fronte ad un prodigio grafico se considerato che il gioco gira su Wii e che si presenta ottimamente a metà tra il gdr innovativo e quello tradizionale con spunti tratti addirittura dagli adventure game (è chiara l'ispirazione tratta da Assassin's Creed infatti). Parlano inoltre di un battle system eccezionale che consentirebbe diversi tipi di approccio al nemico. Per fortuna è stato mostrato un bellissimo trailer in game completamente inedito, ma qui in Europa vogliamo una data di uscita!

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